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great resource, used it in a recent jam game.

check it out :)

Heyo! I used your art in my game!

Looks awesome!!

Yup! Thanks!

Hey! I have used your pixel art in my unity tip


You should put a link to your twitter account on itch and vice versa so that people can more easily find your work ๐Ÿ‘

Thanks man! yeah i should use more my twitter =/ 

Looking awesome! 

Thanks! There are not a lot of cool zombie themed 2D assets on itch. I be that if you make a larger paid asset pack people would love it. If you need help promoting it feel free to reach out! ๐Ÿ‘

I would love to make a zombie game tutorial in godot / unity that would help promote your assets ๐Ÿ™‚

Can you please add a BG because i cant draw or find one that matches with this asset

hey sure, ill upload a premium pack soon, so BG will be on it

Ok thanks , loved the asset but consider seperating the characters spritesheet into multiple spritesheets 

I cant use money online so I don't think I will buy it but keep up the great work 

thanks man!

Hello, do you work on commision? 
Or any info on continuation of the asset?
Im creating game and I would love to use graphics by you but I would need a few more enemies and heroes. Thank you

hey! thank you! yup i do comission ;)

for any job/comission mail me

license to use?

Updated in the description.

 Please create the full paid version, this beautiful asset <3

Nice! On it!